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stories biography escapes archives

Monday, March 26, 2007
and another b day celebration yesterday with my besties ! hahas .. oh my ! its been 3 months since we met ! i miss them hell! hahas .. monica forever as pretty . cheryl as sweeet and natalia as beautiful ! hehe and me . as cute i guess! =x .. met the gurls at plaza singapura and cab down to clarke quey! they were so nice ! had everything planned so well .. i was really touched ! really touched! esplanade was wonderful . the companion made the whole night more beautiful! i've never appreciated nights like this b4! haahs . ok maybe when i'm out with my dear dear walking under the star! but then again my gurl frens turn my night into a magical one!

we had haagen dazs and dinner which made me really full! it was sad cos monica couldn't join us further ! and i knew we had to meet sonner and so the date is set! we will meet in 1 months time! i'm so happy! the gurls got me roxy bikini! haha!! it was so cool la! haha! dinner was wonderful in an indonesia restaurant! haha! love it!

den went for a boat ride ! with them! well.. it was really nice . i felt all my problems being wash away as splashes just took it away with them as they drifted away from me! really glad i met this cute bunch of babes! hahas ! well though all of us in different jc and we only manage to meet for the first 3 months! well.. i've gain 3 beautiful frens !

monica: thanx for the letter! yes gurl! i'll call u if i need u! oh my i miss u so much already! ur wonderful smile and ur assurance makes me shure that i'm a good fren =) hehe! continue to smile like that and guys will just flock after u ! =)

Cheryl: the gurl who always haf confidence in everything she do.. a wonderful fren! i'm shure u'll go a long way gurl.. u're like everything some gurls might dream of. brains . beauty . well rounder ! oh my ! hee!! glad that i met u!

natalia: gurl!! i miss u a billion le ! super million trillion all the lion u can find ! haha !! i still remember the first time i sat beside u ! hahaha! and i didn't realise u're going to be someone printed in my life forever! haha! and now i am greatful u are in my life! thanx for everything! this wonderful gurl is super wonderful! clever and pretty!!! hahahhahaha!!! thanx for bringing smiles into my life !

and i had the wonderful sunday night ever !!! till then ! i miss u gurls !
the boat ridee! =)
monica and me !! me and cheryl!
cheryl. nat and meee!
cheryl and monica!
dinner time !!!
yummy !!
thanx for the pressie !!!!
nat .. monica .. cheryl and meeeeeeeeeeee!

me and my loves !!!!
cheryl and her desert!
nat and her deserrt!!

cutting the cake
i love them so much !!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007
and another memorable birthday celebration for me! well, my birthday was long over but nw is the only time i have for celebrations! no need to studie! =) hehe! and i'm still suffering from fever after yesterday's sushi =x !

went to meet kaiwei and sheena! hahas .. i had so much fun la! its like gurls' date out and no guys day =x! shopped till we droped .. ate till we nearly vommited! haha! when for swensens first but first i really wan thank the gurls for their cute b day pressie ! i got colour pencils .. additional to wenqian and dajie colouring book and sheena made me a cute balloon flower with bear bear and i had to carry it! OMG !! went to swensens for lunch! hahas .. they got another 2 balloon for me!! haha! i really wanted balloon but today was really .. hehe! weird! muahahaha` everyone was looking at me ! try walking with 3 big big balloon dwn Orchard ! that was how i felt ! =x but nevertheless thanx gurls for the earthquake! i really appreaciate it! heee!

and we went shopping after that . went to heeren! i bought a handbag . super sweeet! and pysco-ed kaiwei to buy a pencil box frm 37 degree and sheena got pysco-ed for a bag which she obviously wanted but refrained due to insufficent cash! my persuation works! i'm so good at persuading people to shop! whahhaha` =x hehe! but she's so gonna dream abt that bag till she cannot take it! i'm a shopping queen . what can u do ? came out of heeren . we took pix cos sony was having this freephoto booth so we took a pix there . and the man went

"gurls wen they take pix they will haf this 45 degree tilt" and he announced it thru the mike for the whole world to hear ! OMG !! was so embarrased! argh! den headed to sydney leisure to continue . i bought another tee from there! haha! =)

and den here comes the funniest part ! i have this moo card for primary school kids where u can purchase HL milk for 70 cents! and so me ad sheena wanted to drink . we experimented! we asked kaiwei to buy =x and she happily went in to 7-11 to get it ! we told her to fake the casher that she didn't haf her ez-link cos she was nt a primary school kid! and guessed what !!!! the casher didn't even ask her for her ex-link card! she just said $1.40 please! hahaha!! so funny ! and we got our HL milk! hahahahahha! cos kaiwei was mistaken as a PRIMARY SCHOOL KID!!! haha! so fun~!!!!!!! this is so cool! hahahahha!

shopped at raffles link after that cos kaiwei needed to get sth! haha! actually wanted to continue shooping but .............................. we were feeling brrrrrrrrrrrrroke! hehe. and we decide to wait for sheena's pay to continue our second shopping spreee!! hehe! yay! shopping is my paradise!

and i met valerie at heeren and crystal at somerset mrt statioN! so nice to meet old frens! miss them! =)

and darling is having bbq nw .. and i miss him dearly ! tmr will be another gurl's night out with cheryl . monica and natalia! miss them loads =)

The happy gurl! =) swensens balloon!!!!!
me and my earthquake!
We really hated the cherry and whip cream!
Disgusting play! =p
and i met crystal! =)
me and kaiwei!
me and sheeeena !
cool specs !!!
Retards !
Mandrine Hotel toilet shot =x
sheena .. kaiwei and me !
i love the gurls soOoo much! =)

Friday, March 23, 2007
haha ! finally i finished my block test so today went out with jiahao! this guy very nice ! wake up super early to accompany me ! so we went to catch mr bean! hahahs .. so hillarious ! i cannot stop laughing la~! nevertheless it was a good show! haha! after the show ! both stomach grumbled ! hahaha` .. due to my clumsiness .. this is wad happened!......

we went to eat sakae buffet so it was $28 for both! den i counted must eat 14 plates den considered we accomplished that $28 .. but i told jiahao ! 14 plates each! so we gobbled all the foood down . trying our best to accomplish 14 plates each! by the 9 plate ! both of us nearly died! serious! we were full la~!!!!! but i said must continue if nt they get our $$ . hahas . den jiahao said ok . who eat lesser will foot the bill and i really dunwanna do that! so he ate 10 and i ate 11 ! and he suffered a headache and me a bad tummy ache! due to my careless miscalculations! ''-________- ! i'm so sorry! jiahao . pls forgive me !~ . hee!

went to meet my sister after that who kindly agreed to accompany jiahao cos i meeting my darling boy for a short date! hehe!

met the boy who was very late! haha! caught a fashion show at marina and headed to esplanade ! i really miss u! hee! thanx for the night!

and nw i'm at home with a terrible tummy ache ! HAHA! oh well .. i still love the day! thanx to jiahao.. my sis and esp . my dear ! =)

and i definately ove today! heee! i love my boy !!
i love my sister!
abstract behind us
blue !!!!
yay !! barney and frens and me !!!
see! retarded jiahao! hahahahahahahha`
my lovely sister ! i love her!
after 21 plates of sushi! he look like that !
10+11 plates of sushi ! died
thanx handsome for the day!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
and my papers end today! haha ! maths equates disaster .. wadeva i did to that paper ! haha! oh well .. wadever is over is over, no use crying over spilt milk. think i'm gonna try using more proper sentence now in my blog and reduce the number of dots and hahas! well .. once in awhile! hahas .. its a habit =p

last night campfire! haha! good job phobos! you guys were great . it really didn't matter first or second. what really matter is that you guys love the house and had a great time! jon ma came back! hehe! and he was eh .. botak? sorry ah i'm allergic .. just dun like! =x last night wasn't exactly an ideal night. will choose to forget what happen.

Love until now i still dun undertand the meaning of this word! well, i guess there is more to learn when one is in a relationship. some people dun like excessive control, some people can't be bothered, i dunno. wadeva~!

and i went shopping! haha! shall keep my post short! i cut my hair! and am continuing shopping tmr and sat! haha! and when my results come back its gonna spell S-H-I-T . that is where all the mugging will start and now i will just shop! =)

i miss the times when we just sit there and do nothing all day...........

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
i know i'm suppose to be mugging for chem ! but seriously i really dun like it .. sometimes i wonder why i even took it ! hai* i rather do another 8 hrs of maths seriously ! =x .. well geog paper was done yesterday and econs today .. haha .. nt much of a comment .. those i can do can do .. cannot do .. well yea cannot do .. =) .. just hope can pass both if better pass well enough la =p ..

dear dear having orientation ! and i miss him a lot ! i can't believe same school . and i barely see him for hmMm .. 15 mins for both days ? oh god ! i miss him!!!!

and tmr night is campfire !! hehe .. can't wait !! =)

and i still miss my boy even if i start studying chem !!! =(

Sunday, March 18, 2007
i love you ! =)

i'm going to do update for nw ! hahas` . its the march hols and i have no time to blog .. hw ironical!

my conclusion at the end of the week is that : why must we studie when i really dun see a logical reason to do so . at least shopping makes me happy and presentable in society . well . education gives us a job . but jobs do nt require so many subjects ! oh well .. whatever la~!

i miss my darling boy nw who is in malaysia!

18 March o7 - Sunday
and today is like gain weight day .. 1 potato chips .. 1 plate of mee goreng .. 1 lollipop .. 2 ice cream .. 1 packet of coco crunch ! oh my . thats a lot of junk food ! i'm so going to gain weight ! hahas ! and tmr will be the start of my block test ! hahas .. ok . i really wan get rid of it . so that i can enjoy shopping on fri .. sat (kaiwei and sheena) .. sun (cheryl .. monica and natalia) and maybe monday with dear dear ! haha !!

17 March o7 - Saturday
and i thought it is a rest day for me ! so sad ! i woke up early . forgot the reason why den head to marine parade very late with my sister ! hahas . finish a bit here and there den i give up! studying is giving me headache! and so dear dear came and meet me when he found out that he will only be sitting his papers in 2 weeks time! haha ! hope u like the cookie! hee! nth much to say la! just that i think i'm down with fever =(

16 March o7 - Friday
i guess my daily routine became wake up . pick a nice outfit and head to marine parade ! how hillarious! decide that i should do maths due to the neglection i had towards it! and i did maths frm like a freaking 12 p.m to 5 p.m den went to meet darling for food and continued maths from 8p.m to 10 p.m .! whoa ! thats the longest man ! 7 hrs ! i broke my record man! hahas! oh well .. there's still tonnes which i dunno hw to do ! i miss my dear dear ! hee ! i'm so gonna break one week to do shopping !!!!

15 March o7 - Thursday
and i haf geog consultation cum chem class this morning .. well .. dear dear super sweet .. came and fetch me and we head to school together .. i didn't bother to put on my uniform . well. its the hols right. grab food and den went for consultation. hahas .. after half a day. (though i think i learnt nth =p) i went to catch a movie with darling! hahas .. "stomp the yard" damn nice la !! hahas i really miss dancing .. really miss it! i'm so going back to studio wu after A's! hahas! den i can dance till i drop! hahas .. dance = cool.. confidence.. charisma.. creative .. so many words to describe it la! thanx dear for the card =) i really love it! hahas .. i wanted to shop but reists from it due to over spending this week! hahas.. oh well . i dun think resisting will work for long . cos shopping is still my bestie .. so yea ! haha!

thanx kakwai ! for the lovely b day pressie ! hehe ! really appreciate it ! hee!!!

hanis : i miss u !!!!!! we need to really catch up oki !!?

den after that went to nana hse ! hahas .. did i mention that she live in a super super nice hse ! hahas .. go rob her =x ! hahah! it felt like sec 4 when i sat in ur hse to studie! hahas .. nana is my best fren since sec 1 (boasting =x ) haha ! reach home at 12 + den zzzzzZZZzz

14 March o7 - Wednesday
haha ! after playing a whole day yesterday ! i feel super guilty . so wake up super early and headed to marine parade library to mug! =) with wenqian and dajie! hahas .. and they were very nice ! really VERY VERY nice .. they got me a b day preesie! hahas .. giraffe soft toy and a necklace ! the necklace is lovely .. those marble type and the giraffe is cute with long legs and long neck =x .. haha! had a wonderful day! well .. i still dun get it . why must we studie so hard and when some of us dun even haf to use all the knowledge we studie when we are working! i really don't see a logic . well .. just studie to do well and do a job i like ! i guess thats the only reason why i studie! studie gives me terrible headaches !! =(

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
and so today i went out with the guys and nana !!! oh my .. let me name all !
sizheng .. grew thinner and more handsome .. sadly he had to leave early cos working .. but thanx a lot for everything ~!
chang ming .. late for 20 mins when he stayed like a few meters away from kallang mrt station! ''-_______________________________________-
mingyi .. hehe !!! i love disturbing u for no reason !! hahas .. thanx for the present ! i noe u bought it with chang ming ! =)
boxiong .. hahas .. for all the lame jokes .. and i really like ur jeans!
siaohwee .. hahas .. though never message me .. but i am really glad u went .. i miss u already =x
kahhuei .. nice hair ! hahas .. really cute ! like pineapple .! hehe .. tjc wun kick u out .. no worries!
nana .. hahas .. so sweeet of u .. and i love the card and especially wad u wrote in it .. yupp ! 6 years le ! hard to get right pressie .. thats wad i face when i'm buying ur pressie ! hahas .. we'll go to the zoo nxt year ! i dun care !!! heeee!! thanx sis !! for everything .. esp. cam whoring and laughing out loud in public =x

haha ! thanx to mummy who got me 2 pair of heels and everyone who wished me happy birthday !! hahas .. i feel so old !!! heeee!!!!

and especially to wenqian and yuzhen !!! when i open the present i couldn't stop laughing .. farhan laughed .. my parents laughed at me !! hahahas !! well .. thanx for the COLOURING BOOK! i'll learn hw to draw all the farm animals and haunt u guys =x

last but nt least ! to my sweeet little sister who got me a tiara !! hehe ! i love u darling ! muackx !

6 years and still going on .... =) mr bean !!! cute right ?

ninja turtle !!! hahaha`
pretty pretty lightings !!
yay ! chang ming~! =)
dumbx dumbx ! handsome !!! heee`
my ahboi siaohwee !! =) i miss him already!
mingyi =) blue specs !
kahhuei ! ur hair is super cool!=p
fooling around !
my beloved ! missing sizheng (went to work)