Friday, December 07, 2007
prom was a blast for me at least (: hehe! took a lot of photos with my frens! some still hasnt send over yet so these are all i have! well, it was an experience i really enjoyed. the preparation, the make ups, the hair, the excitement, the waiting, the dancing, the food, everything! was glad i didnt miss any of it! if i did, JC life wouldn't be so fun!
everyone was so well-dressed. like seriously! the gurls looked pretty and the guys most of them pulled off their suits nicely! (: i also love the MJC spirit. guess this prom is super memorable that i doubt i'll be able to forget it in a lifetime! well, had my lovely friends around me and my boyfriend nevertheless! (:
darling, u look great! (: i love u !
haha! thats all the photos i haf! i'm flying off today and wun be back till 11 jan! miss me (: