Thursday, February 07, 2008
went to eat hotel buffet to celebrate the belated daddy birthday today and it sum up to $300. gosh! hahas. but it was a nice experience since its been a long time since my family really sat down for a good meal (: i'm happy! persuaded daddy to get me the esprit watch and when he finally agreed, all the shops are closed! due to Chinese New Year! argh :( ruined my chance to get the lovely watch i've been eyeing! haha..i really loath my grandmother, i think i'm the only grandchild who really wan their grandmother dead! her face is like shit, forever so black (its not because she is dark) its because she never smiles! oh gosh, i think even the rhino looks better than her. and i wonder what did i do to deserve such a weird grandmother. well theoretically she is my grandmother but practically i've never treated her like one. and i think she never acknowledges my siblings. $4 a year from the grandma is close to stingy! oh well, not that i wan cash but what kind of grandma saves on her grandchildren? oh well, maybe when she dies, the world will be in a better state. i'm not bad, its just a fact that i have to voice out. (:
had my first driving practical! it was so fuN! i'm so gonna get my license ASAP!! i wanna drive (: hehe. catch up with the darling boy cos i missed the date yesterday as i was terribly sick :( well! he's leaving for kl tmr ! hahas. and headed down to clarke quey with my sisters at night and had hagen daz! i'm so gonna gain weight soon! i need to exercise!when u put sisters together you will get cam whoring sessions! hahas. i miss this gurl so much la. forever so busy with school ! didnt had pix with my third sis cause she was busy staying angry with me. hehe
and i just love my sisters spending quality time together. well since everyone is so busy with their o levels and ip entry exam, i'm the lonely one :(