Sunday, November 09, 2008
last essay due this weds and i'm free from all assignments. (: this is a super great news though exams are like round the corner! :( well. after exams, i wan travel!!! (:went out with the darling boy for a decend date yesterday since he's going to brunei next week for 2 weeks. spend this weekend with him. haha! i'm so gonna miss him. he can't even msg cos there is no reception in the jungle. the communication industry is so bias! how can they bypass jungles? *gosh* i enjoyed my date. (: went to catch the james bond movie! so long since i sat down in the movie theatre to catch a show.
i didn't understand the whole show actually, but the actions were good + i enjoyed just sitting beside the boy enjoying his presence . spend a lot snacking. hahas. had long john for lunch. den ben and jerrys inside the theatre den secret receipe for dinner (: hahas. sacrifise my figure for today =p next week back to dieting and swimming! wheeeee~!
den farhan cracked a joke.
farhan: cos i'm in camp during the weekdays bodoh!
den i laughed so loud i think the surrounding people were staring at me. i was like " who in the world would have came up with that answer so innocently " but it fits the whole thing so well. hahas! the boy's a genius! (:
7 Nov 2008
(: had pizza hut with my darlings! and poor thing for darren who carried everything to and fro from the fair.! thanx darling (: u're the best. den towards the night, the few of us got nuts and started cam whoring at marina square.! we went bongkus! esp. me =)
next week is full of meetings and trips and rushing my essays out and studying for exams! i'm a super gurl man! (: mummy will be so proud of me . haha!!! i wana dance!!!!!!