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stories biography escapes archives

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
its been nearly 2 weeks since i last blogged. my computer has been giving me problems and finally i decide to send it to the doctor today at NUS science block (: thanx hanis for accompanying me (: lots of things happen since the 5 feb. and i learn many many things.

in just 5 days, i've experienced 4 deaths which makes me feel the vulnerability of life. sometimes we shouldn't take advantage of any situation we are in. maybe one moment we are happily eating dinner with our loved ones and the next everything just disappear. i dunwan myself to regret anything that i'm doing now. life short! treasure it! do what u want and persue what u like (:

besides that, the boy started work and i rarely get to see him due to my bad timing! sorry dear. will make it up to u real soon(: hahas. and i still owe u ur birthday present! oh dear =p

valentine day was spent nicely with my group of dearies! i love them! i wasn't in town that day. was in KL (: hehe! spend the night clubbing at PJ Hilton! how i love the music and the ambience there. many things happen that night which make me treasure my dears more now. 4 of us make a good team definitely and a good family for me (: i never treasure a group of people this much before. the laughter and the memories, i guess the whole thing just start to kick off for now ! i still wan a pink car!! hahas. maybe orange doesnt seem so bad =p

to nana!!! was browsing thru this good friend blog! and i saw my name! girl! u totally made my day! hahas . yes girl! 8 years of friendship and still going strong! hahas! (: jiayou in everything u do! remember i'm still here if u need me! just call or message me!! hehe

school's getting a little hectic. midterm is in 2 weeks and project assignment 1 are due-ing any time soon (: but i enjoy school very much due to the favourite subjects i can to study this sem.!

life is getting on exciting single day! i'm enjoying every single day. though its tiring but the companion is lovely. thanx for everything (: i'm gonna miss u a lot!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009
the boy now works from 8am to 5 pm and i haven had the time to see him. both of us are quite tight in schedule. lols.

but when there is time, we'll meet and cam whore! hehe! wheee (: redyed my hair red and am very satisfied with the outcome (: hahas

1 more mth before i turn 20! feel so old already !!

life has been on the fun side end of last mth and beginning of this mth! new shipment of RL coming in (: hehe. flags one! anyone interested tell me. been travelling quite a bit. (: love my dear partners. guess at one point of time, u will find and experience the meaning of the word treasure. an u'll realise some things are worth more than others.

sometimes its nt the place that matter anymore. but the person u are with at that point of time. just a last note which i want the whole world to noe abt it, its that i wish and i pray and i hope that this particular group of ppl will nt meet with anymore kind of happiness and their life will finish just like that. i just hate them so much! wish they were already in hell (:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
woke up like a freaking 630am and felt like jogging! hahas. healthy lifestyle ah! hahas. looking at my friend success in losing weight, think i lack behind a lot already. hahas. and he looks really nice(: hahas. oh well, i'll work out. hopefully i'll perservere. usually i lack the determination if doing the whole routine alone. haha! been up since then, can't seem to sleep again.

many things going through the head. lots of thinking. hahas (: i really wan a hashbrown to fill up growling stomach now. seldom that we get mornings to ourselves cos we'll be busy sleeping. the chinese new year weekend was a long one for me. nothing much happen. looking forward to the weeks activities though. hahas!


went to celebrate the boy's birthday yesterday, not much of a celebration just a simple date. hopefully he likes it. hahas! (: i still owe him a birthday present! =p


didn't get him cake, got him doughnuts instead! hahas. initially wanted to catch movie but vivo was like full!! OMG!!! hai* after shopping around, headed to mount faber! i was like in a so wrong attire! lucky i brought my slippers of not heels would have killed me within 1 min! (:

but then again, mount faber is lovely for morning walks. anyone up for it? hehe

some lost soul =x

i was in a freaking dress and jacket and mount faber was hot!!!

i like this picture, pictures my life (:

and he decides to own it! hahas

while i was more demure (:

and the by insisted that we go up this super high bridge, that i think i would have died if i look down. argh! things guys wanna do that a girl will never understand.

happy boy(:

i give in to the picture. but i swear it was freaking high. my legs were like jelly!

hahas. seems like eco tourists taking pictures!

yay! (:
love u darling. hope u enjoyed ur day! (:

us (:

Monday, January 26, 2009
the memories that i have always keeps me alive in times of boredom like now (: happy chinese new year to all my friends. hahas. while they collect ang bao, i busy at home count ang bao. lols!!! hmmm. went for lunch just now. for the first time i see Singapore as a ghost town, everywhere is like closed for the day!! no shopping, no nice dining area, no nth!! hahas. suntec carpark has like 2000+ lots empty! first time!!!!! hahas. went for a quick bite at marina den headed home. bbq tonight with my friends. hehe (: love the morning. love the day.

i just learn a beautiful phrase : opportunity once seized, multiplies. its very true ! =) subway my fav meal of the century!
i like this outfit!
happy girl!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
hahas. happy girl yesterday (: really get to chill out till late. like finally i have a relaxed saturday. initially wanted to club, headed down to town and thumper closed down :( hahas. and this happen to be the last mth of my friend's membership card! :( hahas. didn't really wanna club other places cos its a saturday night. so finally we settled down and headed to cafe delma (:

wished i brought the correct dress code (: hahas!

i realise its nt the place that matters anymore, but the companion that u are with plays a more vital role. (: love last night a lot! (:

met the boy in the afternoon for a sweet lunch at yakun suntec (: hahas! so cute la he. going to pop soon already this coming thursday (: hahas. miss u darling!

me and him (: happy 31st mth darling (:

Saturday, January 17, 2009
the happy girl just came back from her KL trip that she enjoyed very much! (:

coke (: hahas!
the PJ hilton club is really cool (: hahas. nxt KL trip also must go there. whee. and i love the song sway (: ! hahsa. the dance step super nice. and my partner can really dance! i wan dance with u again! hahas. happy girl.
i wanna go genting nxt week! (:

Friday, January 09, 2009
finally after super long. i met my darling wenfang for tanning! hahas. i got my tan in less than an hour! (: and i got burnt. as usual! hahas.! miss her already! catch up after eons!!
i like the sun so much!
cute cute!
yay! happy gurls!
co-incidentally both of us had red fingernails!
act dao!
i love her so much ! (:
me (:
hahas. tired tired!
candid by darling !
and i love this best friend of mine!
sometmes in life we just need to concentrate on what we want. if one is always busy trying to figure out someone's else life. den they are just wasting a space on earth! if u wan to noe abt my life, abt who i am going out with, abt how much i earn, abt who i keep in touch. ask me.! its my life. stop asking all the surroundings! its getting irritating enough to noe that some people just want to see u fail . hahas!
but its ok. i'm happy with all the decisions that i have made to move on ! (:
and the companion that i get everyday while moving on with everything i do (: thanx a million ! loves (: