Sunday, July 27, 2008
its been damn long since i last went to the beach. and today headed down to sentosa (: sooo happy! haha! the sun was marvelous and the sand was tremendous. hahas. gosh. i sound like a storybook writer! (: well. finally the bikini nat, chery and monica got for me for my 17th birthday came to good use! and i love them! thanx gurls! hehe..
and i discover that Singaporeans are just good copy cats! after the 9o'clock show - beach ball babes is being broadcast, the whole siloso beach was filled with volleyball players. balls can be seen flying everywhere. everyone seem to be in the volley ball fever. oh dear. i even saw this 2 super pretty small girls aged between 3-5 playing volleyball! haha. should have snap a picture of the long beach filled with volleyball players. damn!
nevertheless i really enjoyed myself today. its been awhile since i visited any beach. on the way back, dropped by vivo and there is a crazy sale going on where me and my frens went crazy, simply crazy! and i fell in love with a top shop skirt! when i look at the price, i nearly black out.! the skirt cost a freaking $83!!!! any kind soul that wanna get it for me! (: i will definitely love you! oh dear! it doesnt sound too good.!
thanx guys for spending the day with me! really appreciate and love u guys! (: hehe . can't wait for school! (:
and i got a nice black backpack for school! thanx boy! (: *happy*