Friday, November 14, 2008
went to school super early in the morning just to hand up my chinese essay! celebrations!!! completed all assignments!! (: that leaves exams! haha!met hanis after school with the intention to start studying. and i swear that it was so hard to start the studying engine after not studying for so long! argh! :(
but i did manage a few topics in geog (: hopefully i can still remember what i revised! oh dear, exams is such chore! hate it man!
we were drained after 4 hours! (: that leaves me enjoying my night. impromtu decision made and my nice, sweet friend brought me to Sentosa cos i wanted to catch the song of the sea show.!
hanis darling! i love u! no matter what happen, i'm always here for u (: keep on smiling girl cos u'll never know who is falling for the smile of urs.
i miss my baby boy =p