Monday, December 01, 2008
its been quite some time since i blogged, with the last paper just tmr afternoon, it marks the start of my vacation (: lots of things plan, lots of trips to be made, money to be earn, shopping to go (:The lesson learned is to be happy in everything you do. and we must be sincere in everything we do. god is always fair, he will only give u the things u deserve. sometimes we face the down period of our lives, but god was never evil, he wuld definitely send u some friends who will stand by you dring this period of time (: hopefully, i can always be there when u need me (:
the week ended with the fair at Sengkang, Rivervale Mall. i must say that it started of awful but ended with a great wow ! (: left me and darren grinning for the rest of the night. thanx darren for the message. its really touching and i will remember everything u mentioned (:
i love the way my life is now. i love the way things are now. thanx for the question just now (: hope it can remain as long as it can(:
i'm dead for tmr's paper. i didn't study a single detail about chinese history :( wish me lots of luck man!