Saturday, December 13, 2008
the boy came over this morning. it was so sickening when my phone reception is acting like an idoit.! argh! its like i wa suppose to meet him and have mac breakfast. at the end of the day , he couldn't call thru and i got up late and hai* no breakfast for us! :( sianx!!!!but at least it gave us some personal time to talk! (: i love personal time with him. though i only had an hour. i'm ok with it though now missing u damn bad. hahas. enjoy shopping and movie.! hahas. anyone wanna catch twilight! i dunwan the boy to waste another $8 watching the same movie with me again! hee! (: i'm a good gf ok! wheee~!
going out like soon (: hopefully can take more pictures thruout the day! but i'm zombed out!
11 dec 2008, Thursday
hit the dance floor last week! hahas. super nice! rocking music and nice crowd! hahas. danced will 4 am! legs cramp like hell but its super fun! hehe (: RUM JUNGLE rocks! wheee! i wan go again!!!! this time must dance longer! hahas. love the DJ there.
i realise clubbing really de-stresses me! hahas. though some people eyes cannot stop looking at other gurls. hahas. (: thanx for the dance though! appreaciate it(: